466 research outputs found

    Implementing shared decision-making in nutrition clinical practice: A theory-based approach and feasibility study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are a growing number of dietary treatment options to choose from for the management of many chronic diseases. Shared decision making represents a promising approach to improve the quality of the decision making process needed for dietary choices that are informed by the best evidence and value-based. However, there are no studies reporting on theory-based approaches that foster the implementation of shared decision making in health professions allied to medicine. The objectives of this study are to explore the integration of shared decision making within real nutritional consultations, and to design questionnaires to assess dieticians' intention to adopt two specific behaviors related to shared decision making using the Theory of Planned Behavior.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Forty dieticians will audiotape one clinical encounter to explore the presence of shared decision making within the consultation. They will also participate to one of five to six focus groups that aim to identify the salient beliefs underlying the determinants of their intention to present evidence-based dietary treatment options to their patients, and clarify the values related to dietary choices that are important to their patients. These salient beliefs will be used to elaborate the items of two questionnaires. The internal consistency of theoretical constructs and the temporal stability of their measurement will be checked using the test-retest method by asking 35 dieticians to complete the questionnaire twice within a two-week interval.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The proposed research project will be the first study to: provide preliminary data about the adoption of shared decision making by dieticians and theirs patients; elicit dieticians' salient beliefs regarding the intention to adopt shared decision making behaviors, report on the development of a specific questionnaire; explore dieticians' views on the implementation of shared decision making; and compare their views regarding the implementation of shared decision making in different clinical settings.</p> <p>It is anticipated that the results generated by the proposed research project will significantly contribute to the emergence of shared decision making in nutrition through a theory-based approach.</p

    Laser-assisted guiding of electric discharges around objects

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    Electric breakdown in air occurs for electric fields exceeding 34 kV/cm and results in a large current surge that propagates along unpredictable trajectories. Guiding such currents across specific paths in a controllable manner could allow protection against lightning strikes and high-voltage capacitor discharges. Such capabilities can be used for delivering charge to specific targets, for electronic jamming, or for applications associated with electric welding and machining. We show that judiciously shaped laser radiation can be effectively used to manipulate the discharge along a complex path and to produce electric discharges that unfold along a predefined trajectory. Remarkably, such laser-induced arcing can even circumvent an object that completely occludes the line of sight

    Determinants of physicians’ intention to collect data exhaustively in registries: an exploratory study in Bamako’s community health centres

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    Background: The incomplete collection of health datais a prevalent problem in healthcare systems around theworld, especially in developing countries. Missing datahinders progress in population health and perpetuatesinefficiencies in healthcare systems.Objective: This study aims to identify the factors that predict the intention of physicians practicing in community health centres of Bamako, Mali, to collect data exhaustively in medical registries.Design: A cross sectional studyMethod: In January and February 2011, we conducted a study with a random sample of thirty two physicians practicing in community health centres of Bamako, using a questionnaire. Data was analyzed by using descriptive statistics, correlations and linear regression.Main outcomes measures: Trained investigators administered a questionnaire measuring physicians’ sociodemographic and professional characteristics as well as constructs from the Theory of Planned Behaviour.Results: Our results showed that physicians’ intention to collect data exhaustively is influenced by subjective norms and by the physician’s number of years in practice.Conclusions: the results of this study could be used as a guide for health workers and decision makers to improve the quality of health information collected in community health centers.Keywords: Physicians’ intention, exhaustive data collection, Bamako, Community Health Centre, Missing dat

    Assessing decision quality in patient-centred care requires a preference-sensitive measure.

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    A theory-based instrument for measuring the quality of decisions made using any form of decision technology, including both decision-aided and unaided clinical consultations is required to enable person- and patient-centred care and to respond positively to individual heterogeneity in the value aspects of decision making. Current instruments using the term 'decision quality' have adopted a decision- and thus condition-specific approach. We argue that patient-centred care requires decision quality to be regarded as both preference-sensitive across multiple relevant criteria and generic across all conditions and decisions. MyDecisionQuality is grounded in prescriptive multi criteria decision analysis and employs a simple expected value algorithm to calculate a score for the quality of a decision that combines, in the clinical case, the patient's individual preferences for eight quality criteria (expressed as importance weights) and their ratings of the decision just taken on each of these criteria (expressed as performance rates). It thus provides an index of decision quality that encompasses both these aspects. It also provides patients with help in prioritizing quality criteria for future decision making by calculating, for each criterion, the Incremental Value of Perfect Rating, that is, the increase in their decision quality score that would result if their performance rating on the criterion had been 100%, weightings unchanged. MyDecisionQuality, which is a web-based generic and preference-sensitive instrument, can constitute a key patient-reported measure of the quality of the decision-making process. It can provide the basis for future decision improvement, especially when the clinician (or other stakeholders) completes the equivalent instrument and the extent and nature of concordance and discordance can be established. Apart from its role in decision preparation and evaluation, it can also provide real time and relevant documentation for the patient's record

    Molecular mimicry in the post-COVID-19 signs and symptoms of neurovegetative disorders?

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    Many individuals who have severe forms of COVID-19 experience a suite of neurovegetative signs and symptoms (eg, tachycardia) after their recovery, suggesting that the imbalance of the sympathetic-parasympathetic activity of the autonomic nervous system1 could continue for many weeks or months after respiratory symptoms stop. Moreover, a reduction of the parasympathetic tone could have a role in restricting the cholinergic anti-inflammatory pathway, thus favouring hyperinflammation and cytokine storm in the most severe phases of the disease. As reported by Guglielmo Lucchese in The Lancet Microbe,2 SARS-CoV-2 can damage the nervous system via an indirect mechanism, resulting in a high prevalence of autoantibodies, mainly against unknown autoantigens in the brain, in cerebrospinal fluid from patients with neurological complications.2 The cause of low vagal tone and SARS-CoV-2 has not yet been investigated sufficiently and here we would like to share some original data supporting the putative role of molecular mimicry as the culprit of COVID-19 pathogenesis, including the post-COVID-19 neurovegetative syndrome.2, 3, 4, 5 Using methods that have been previously described,3 we looked specifically at the human proteins expressed in vagal nuclei and ganglia. As shown in the appendix (pp 1–2), we found that 22 of these proteins share peptides that could putatively generate a T-cell or B-cell driven autoimmune response. The location and function of these proteins are described in the appendix (pp 3–24). Fibres of the vagal nerve originate from four nuclei located in the medulla oblongata—ie, the dorsal motor nucleus, the nucleus ambiguus, the solitary nucleus, and, to a lesser extent, the spinal trigeminal nucleus. These fibres contribute to the somatic and visceral motricity, somatic and visceral sensibility, and the sense of taste. The visceral motor inputs originate specifically from the dorsal motor nucleus and nucleus ambiguus and are directed towards the heart, the airways, and the gastrointestinal system. Moreover, the vagal visceral innervation includes two sensory ganglia of the peripheral nervous system—the nodose ganglion and the jugular ganglion. In particular, peripheral fibres of the neurons of the nodose ganglion not only innervate the taste buds on the epiglottis, the chemoreceptors of the aortic bodies, and baroreceptors in the aortic arch, but they also provide sensory innervation to the circulatory, respiratory, and gastrointestinal systems. An impairment of the vagal innervation of the heart can lead to tachycardia at rest, which is often seen by clinicians during physical examination of patients who have recovered from a severe form of COVID-19.1 We found that the dorsal motor nucleus, nucleus ambiguus, nodose ganglion, and jugular ganglion can all host neurons presenting proteins with epitopes in common with SARS-CoV-2 proteins, and the peptide TGRLQSL is embedded in one immunoreactive linear epitope that has already been experimentally validated in the human host (Immune Epitope Database and Analysis Resource identification number 36724) to be able to generate an autoimmune response. We share our findings to prompt further studies assessing whether severe forms of COVID-19 could produce transitory or permanent damage in some vagal structure and whether this can, in turn, be responsible for the low vagal tone and the related clinical signs and symptoms

    All normal dispersion nonlinear fibre supercontinuum source characterization and application in hyperspectral stimulated Raman scattering microscopy

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    Hyperspectral stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) microscopy is a powerful label-free, chemical-specific technique for biomedical and mineralogical imaging. Usually, broad and rapid spectral scanning across Raman bands is required for species identification. In many implementations, however, the Raman spectral scan speed is limited by the need to tune source laser wavelengths. Alternatively, a broadband supercontinuum source can be considered. In SRS microscopy, however, source noise is critically important, precluding many spectral broadening schemes. Here we show that a supercontinuum light source based on all normal dispersion (ANDi) fibres provides a stable broadband output with very low incremental source noise. We characterized the noise power spectral density of the ANDi fibre output and demonstrated its use in hyperspectral SRS microscopy applications. This confirms the viability and ease of implementation of ANDi fibre sources tier broadband SRS imaging. (C) 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreemen

    A conceptual framework for interprofessional shared decision making in home care: Protocol for a feasibility study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Shared decision making (SDM) is fundamental to informed consent and client-centered care. So far, SDM frameworks have been limited to the client-physician dyad, even though care is increasingly delivered by interprofessional (IP) teams. IP collaboration is especially essential in home care, one of health care's most rapidly growing areas. This study will assess whether it is possible to practice SDM in IP home care.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>We will use a qualitative case study and a quantitative survey to capture the macro, meso and micro levels of stakeholders in home care. The case study will follow the knowledge-to-action process framework to evaluate the work of an IP home care team at a Quebec City health center. Sources of data will include one-on-one interviews with patients, family caregivers or surrogates and significant others, and administrators; a focus group of home care health professionals; organizational documents; and government policies and standards. The interview guide for the interviews and the focus group will explore current practices and clinical problems addressed in home care; factors that could influence the implementation of the proposed IP approach to SDM; the face and content validity of the approach; and interventions to facilitate the implementation and evaluation of the approach. The survey will ask 300 health professionals working in home care at the health center to complete a questionnaire based on the Theory of Planned Behaviour that measures their intentions to engage in an IP approach to SDM. We will use our analysis of the individual interviews, the focus group and the survey to elaborate a toolkit for implementing an IP approach to SDM in home care. Finally, we will conduct a pilot study in Alberta to assess the transferability of our findings.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>We believe that developing tools to implement IP SDM in home care is essential to strengthening Canada's healthcare system and furthering patient-centered care. This study will contribute to the evaluation of IP SDM delivery models in home care. It will also generate practical, policy-oriented knowledge regarding the barriers and facilitators likely to influence the practice of IP SDM in home care.</p

    Exploring dietitians' salient beliefs about shared decision-making behaviors

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Shared decision making (SDM), a process by which health professionals and patients go through the decision-making process together to agree on treatment, is a promising strategy for promoting diet-related decisions that are informed and value based and to which patients adhere well. The objective of the present study was to identify dietitians' salient beliefs regarding their exercise of two behaviors during the clinical encounter, both of which have been deemed essential for SDM to take place: (1) presenting patients with all dietary treatment options for a given health condition and (2) helping patients clarify their values and preferences regarding the options.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Twenty-one dietitians were allocated to four focus groups. Facilitators conducted the focus groups using a semistructured interview guide based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. Discussions were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim, coded, and analyzed with NVivo8 (QSR International, Cambridge, MA) software.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most participants stated that better patient adherence to treatment was an advantage of adopting the two SDM behaviors. Dietitians identified patients, physicians, and the multidisciplinary team as normative referents who would approve or disapprove of their adoption of the SDM behaviors. The most often reported barriers and facilitators for the behaviors concerned patients' characteristics, patients' clinical situation, and time.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The implementation of SDM in nutrition clinical practice can be guided by addressing dietitians' salient beliefs. Identifying these beliefs also provides the theoretical framework needed for developing a quantitative survey questionnaire to further study the determinants of dietitians' adoption of SDM behaviors.</p

    Development and evaluation of a patient decision aid for young people and parents considering fixed orthodontic appliances

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    OBJECTIVES: To develop and evaluate a child-centred patient decision aid for young people, and their parents, supporting shared decision making about fixed orthodontic appliance treatment with dental health professionals, namely the Fixed Appliance Decision Aid (FADA). METHODS: The studies were undertaken in a UK teaching dental hospital orthodontic department in 2013-2014. The development phase involved an interview study with: (a) 10 patients (12-16 years old), and their parents, receiving orthodontic care to investigate treatment decision making and inform the content of the FADA and (b) 23 stakeholders critiquing the draft decision aid's content, structure and utility. The evaluation phase employed a pre-/post-test study design, with 30 patients (12-16 years old) and 30 parents. Outcomes included the Decisional Conflict Scale; measures of orthodontic treatment expectations and knowledge. RESULTS: Qualitative analysis identified two informational needs: effectiveness of treatment on orthodontic outcomes and treatment consequences for patients' lives. Quantitative analysis found decisional conflict reduced in both patients (mean difference -12.3, SD 15.3, 95% CI 6.6-17.9; p < 0.001) and parents (mean difference - 8.6, SD 16.6, 95% CI 2.5-14.8; p = 0.002); knowledge about duration and frequency of orthodontic treatment increased; expectations about care were unchanged. CONCLUSIONS: Using the FADA may enable dental professionals to support patients and their parents, decisions about fixed appliance treatments more effectively, ensuring young people's preferences are integrated into care planning
